Thursday, October 8, 2009

This was done by Bernard Pras, he takes things from everyday life and puts them together to make them look like actual paintings.

Bubble!! This was taken by Richard Heeks, I love the color, AND IT'S A BUBBLE!

This is a solar powered tree that was unveiled at the London Design Festival. I thought this was pretty nifty.

This is done by John Pugh, I thought this was amazing because that entire side of the building is painted that way.


  1. i love both the photograph of the bubble and the photograph of the building!! It really cool how you can see the image of the photographer inside the bubble, and i think the painting is amazing. It looks so real!!!

  2. I really like the first two images, where the artists takes everyday objects and photographs them to look like real paintings. He had me tricked for a moment. I think its really interesting the way each piece has different character represented.
